Some nearly thirteen
years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 the effects and
repercussions of the alleged terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers
continue. Before recounting those repercussions chronologically it would be
important to establish the ongoing opposition to the official findings of the
9/11 commission and the media accounts and conclusions concerning the identity of the perpetrators and the methods
and motives behind the execution. A
recent forty minute video has been released by Architects and Engineers for
9/11 Truth over two thousand in number presenting the scientific evidence of
the impossibility of the twin towers collapse by reason of being struck by
aircraft. Also the collapse of building
seven was brought down in free fall (7seconds) absent any collision with an
airplane. Richard Gage as spokesman for
the group answers numerous specific questions in the video and explains from a
scientific basis why these scientists and engineers agree that the three
buildings were not brought down by the igniting of fires in the various points
of contact, but were in fact destroyed by preplanned and professionally placed
high explosives including thermite to generate the heat as well as the
explosive power necessary to melt the reinforced steel and hardened concrete
construction of the towers. Ignited fuel
temperatures fall at least one thousand degrees short of the heat generation
necessary to melt reinforced steel and concrete even in the immediate areas where
the planes were alleged to have crashed, much less cause a collapse of the
towers. The account given and generally accepted is physically impossible.
Apart from even
attempting to explain many of the other details of the 9/11 ‘false flag’ event
at the world trade center, it becomes ever more clear that this alleged terrorist attacks were
not executed either in the fashion, or by the entities claimed by the official
government account and as supported in main stream media coverage. The populace
is lied to and deceived regularly by the President and other government officials,
and the controlled liberal media is the instrument used to support their
deceptions. What constitutes a ‘false flag’ event? It is one that it is executed by military or
paramilitary entities or groups designed
to deceive by making the event to
appear as being perpetrated by someone
other than those actually responsible. Whether
or not you believe it this is the reality of 9/11. The entities involved in
9/11 were Israel’s Mossad in cooperation with the American CIA and other
intelligence agencies. You are allowed to continue in your deception if you are
unable to wrap your mind around the scientific facts. But aside from these assertions let us explore
the motive and aftermath of the 9/11attack in retrospect. It was soon determined that Osama
Bin Laden, extolled to be the world’s worst terrorist, must be the responsible
perpetrator. He was alleged to likely be operating from some remote location in
Afghanistan. Very shortly after 9/11 the Bush administration led a hyped up
America into a war in that remote Muslim
nation on the pretext that we must locate and bring to ‘justice’ those
responsible for the deaths of some three thousand Americans. Thousands of
deaths and maimings later we are still at war Afghanistan. What is this all really about? Control of the
billions of dollars in cocaine traffic from that nation? Next, but still
directly related to 9/11 we were officially involved in this contrived “war on
terrorism’. Clandestinely our astute
intelligence network assisted by the media determined that Iraq had ‘weapons of
mass destruction’, may have been involved in 911 and most certainly was a
threat to our ‘national security’ You
see, the first invasion of Iraq did not produce the desired result, i. e. the
capitulation of Saddam Hussein to the United Nations and International Monetary
Fund. The Zionist power structure that controls America must get rid of him and
the ‘war on terrorism’ was the pretext and rationale used for a second invasion
of Iraq and murder of this tyrant. Almost
nine years later and after the death of over four thousand more Americans and
the maiming and disablement of another nearly fifty thousand, not to mention some one
million innocent Iraqis, the goal of capturing the oil wealth of Iraq and
bringing that nation under control of the world elite was thought to be
accomplished. But wait a minute! The
ISIS or ISOL terrorist organization trained and equipped by US intelligence and
the CIA to bring down al- Assad in Syria went out of control and decided that
they would conquer more territory in Iraq and eventually neighboring states and
set up a caliphate state for Muslims. Who can say what the end of this
insurgency will be? Maybe World War III?
This does not even touch on the ‘Arab Spring’,
the murder of Gadhafi in Libya, the overthrow of that stable country as well as
numerous other Middle East insurgencies. All of this chaos has a plan behind it
and it all was initiated with the 9/11 ‘false flag’ attack on the world trade
center towers. The Zionist world elite are diligently working on a new
international communistic order and nation states must fall and be destroyed, including America, for the
establishment of a New World Order centered in a ‘Greater Israel’ in the Middle
East. Obtain and read my title, The
Israel Deception which is also very helpful entitlrd These
Prophets and the Revelation. Both titles are available at,
Barnes and and other major book sellers.
David Lance Dean email:
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