There lies concealed within the writings of the
Revealation of the Apostle
John a mystical entity not understood by either the Christian community
or the world at large. It has been designated by the Holy Spirit as Mystery
Babylon. The fact that it remains a mystery to almost everyone, and has been
erroneously identified by most of those who would claim to have Scriptural
knowledge and understanding presents a dilemma for a world that lies in
deception. To bring an exhaustive commentary as to its complete identity and
function is not possible within the context of this short discourse. The complete understanding of its workings, motives
and goals would require literally years of research and even then because its
nature is clandestine and secretive one could only begin to gather up its
essence methods, function and motives. The Greek word for mystery is “musteron”.
The word means secrecy or silence imposed on initiates into religious rites. (Strong’s
Concordance of the Bible). This gives us
our first clue to the essence of the identity of Mystery Babylon. Its inner
workings are entirely held in secret by its members and initiates. And so it
has been intentionally hidden from view and understanding to anyone and
everyone who is not a direct participant. From this point of beginning we can
start to comprehend that it is a secret society or more particularly a group of
many secret societies networking together in secrecy and sharing the same goals
and purposes.
Going a step further in our exposure we came
to the word Babylon. What could be the
manning of Babylon? For that understanding we will need to go to the Bible
where Babylon is revealed. It is first brought to the forefront in the Book of
Genesis where we see that the populations of the world gathered together in
rebellion against the God of creation and erected a tower which reached upward
toward heaven. It was a man-made
religious effort expressing first, a rebellion against the true and living God,
and secondly to erect an edifice of dominion over the earth. You can gain
additional insights by reading the eleventh chapter of Genesis. God judged it by destroying it and scattering
the people abroad and bringing about a confusion of languages so as to break
down the ability of various peoples to be completely comingled.
We move from there to the
Babylonian Empire and their conquest of the world under Nebuchadnezzar (around 586
B. C.) including the peoples of Judah and the city of Jerusalem. The temple and
city of the Jews were destroyed and they were carried captive into the occult
and esoteric world of the Babylonians. These were the Chaldeans practicing
every form of witchcraft, magic, necromancy and occult religion conceivable in
the hearts of man and directed by the influence of the leader of all of the
powers of darkness. His name is Lucifer
or Satan if you prefer. This was an exercise of judgment by God in allowing the
captivity for it was a retribution for the complete violation of His conditional
covenant with those ancient people we know as Israel.
So having briefly reviewed the derivation of the
concept of the mystery and seeing its application to ancient occult Babylon we
are able to extrapolate some further truths concerning Mystery Babylon as are
revealed in some measure in the
seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of the Revelation. The world is not ruled
by diverse and sovereign political entities as is supposed. The world has
been subjected to a cabal of very wealthy, powerful and evil men who have over time
assimilated into a plethora of secret societies who ascribe religiously to the
ceremonies, oaths and practices of ancient Babylon. It is Luciferian
inspired and he is the object of worship so that all of the symbolism, secret oaths,
and inner workings have a single objective and direction. In a few words that
objective and direction are towards a New World Order. A one world government
to be ruled from Jerusalem by the Antichrist which has in view the total
annihilation of anything that bears testimony to the true and living God and
His Son Jesus Christ.
The vast majority of
the world already lies in the captivity and deception of Mystery Babylon
controlled by these secret societies and the international banking stronghold
of the Rothschild’s banking dynasty that are an integral part of the cabal. Christianity has been compromised by false
and misleading doctrines not based upon the truths revealed in the Holy
Scriptures. False prophets and teachers
abound within what the world would refer to as being Christian, but which are
various religious denominations and d sects claiming to embrace the truth, but
which are in fact “carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and
cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” (Ephesians 4:13)
Many additional
insights and details into the identity, workings and control of Mystery Babylon
over the kings of the earth, along with a complete exposition of Revelation,
and other of the prophets in the context of emerging world developments can be
found in my recent title: These Prophets and the Revelation, Mindstir Media,
2013, available at and major book suppliers.
David Lance Dean
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