Saturday, August 30, 2014

Currency Wars

            The term BRICS may not be familiar to many but in today’s international geopolitical scene it is of some considerable consequence.  An explanation is in order.  BRICS represents a coalition of nations including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These nations have recently formed a cooperative investment bank as an organized resistance and opposition to the monetary dominance of the dollar which is currently the world’s reserve currency.  It is necessary to understand that currency wars have been ongoing for some time and that the predominant monetary and financial system is controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty via the IMF, World Bank and Bank of International Settlement. The dollar system is controlled by the Federal Reserve (not an agency of the US government); Bank of England, Central Banks of Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan. The Zionist global elitist bankers control much of the world’s finance through this massive international banking coalition.  BRICS stands in opposition to their total control of world banking. This situation creates a geopolitical standoff which has the potential to undermine world peace.  That is not to say that we see a peaceful world but the major current conflicts are in the Middle East including Israel’s invasion of the Gaza, ongoing civil war in Syria and the debacle in Iraq to determine the dividing up of that Middle East nation. Excepting, of course, the conflict over the control of the Ukraine.
            This existing geopolitical standoff brings the world focus in Ukraine into center stage. Recently a Malaysian airliner was shot down apparently by a missile as it flew over the existing war zone in Southeastern Ukraine. The claim is that a Russian missile system, and or Russian trained military were involved.  The controlled western mainstream media has been very quick to conclude that Russia or Russian influence is the culprit responsible in this tragedy taking the lives of nearly 300 passengers.  Sources in the alternative media including Alex Jones’ Info Wars are taking a completely different view stating that the event was very likely a ‘false flag’.  This means that some other entity or military unit was responsible while seeking to stage the event and put the blame directly on Putin’s Russia. The import of this if it is in fact a ‘false flag’ is to ramp up the tension already existing in the Ukraine with Russian ambitions and their interest in this region.  The BRICS coalition exacerbates the controversy as an underlying source of contention which remains at this time unresolved. There is a developing faceoff between Russia and the western alliances (NATO) of Europe and America which is complicated by this recent airline downing.  The potential fallout from this development could become increasingly significant if in fact a ‘false flag’ event has been executed to provoke a further conflict with Russia over Ukraine.  Only time will tell where this recent event will lead, but if the Zionists who control western banking and political systems are planning to press forward in some further  confrontation with Russia the outcome could eventually come in the form of war.  This would be an ominous development.  This has the potential of leading us with further provocations into world war III.  Not intending to be an alarmist, but looking realistically at what is developing and understanding the agenda of the Zionist globalists it needs to be understood that they are dead set on their agenda for world government and world control.   War is one of the very significant avenues which they have used in the past to advance their cause.
            Most do not understand she forces and motivations propelling the New World Order agenda.  They are in need of accurate biblically based information interfaced with current events to gain the knowledge and wisdom they need to face the developing future world scene. Recommended reading exposing the Zionist agenda is my most recent title: The Israel Deception. Then for a further in depth study of end time biblical prophecy and developing world wide geopolitical and economic issues my earlier title: These Prophets and the Revelation is recommended reading.  These titles are available at, BN. com and other major book sellers. Don’t be left in the dark concerning vital spiritual information needed for your personal and family preparation and protection.

David Lance Dean


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