Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dispensational Deceptions

               A system of theology has emerged and become extremely popular in America during the last century.  That system of theology has been initiated by     an annotated version of the Scriptures known as the Scofield Reference Bible and has come to be identified as premillennial dispensationalism.  Please don’t get lost in terminology invented by the theologians. The proper translation of the word of God from the original Holy Spirit inspired writings of the apostles and prophets of God provide us with an open access to truth.  The original King James Version of the Bible is a reasonably accurate translation of early manuscripts and although it is not perfect, it is very reliable.   A man known to us as C. I. Scofield took the authorized version of the King James Bible and added to it his own extensive footnotes and commentary throughout resulting in the invention of a complete system of theology.  He was assisted in his endeavor by a publisher with some measure of perceived credibility namely Oxford University Press. This new and edited version of the Bible was first published in 1908 and with considerable financial backing and promotion became very popular in fundamentalist churches. This publication has become a significant stumbling block across the broad spectrum of evangelicalism and fundamentalist churches and denominations.  The preceding statement will require some further explanation in order to avoid offense to those many who may have embraced this version of Scripture and the doctrines it promotes.
        First, it will need to be understood that Oxford University Press is owned and controlled by Zionist interests and Scofield’s first edition was definitely Zionist friendly in its footnotes and commentary.   C. I.  Scofield died in 1922 but the publication rights were owned by the publisher and the content has been revised and edited at least three times since then deceptively still showing C. I. Scofield as the editor. He in fact had nothing to do with the later editing each of which have become ever more increasingly Zionist.  The point is that the Zionist publisher has continued to alter and promote false doctrines reflecting a Zionist worldview, which exalts the nation of Israel and the Jews as God’s “chosen people” having as its end the establishment of a Jewish kingdom in Israel after the alleged pretribulational “rapture” of the entire church.   Then they say that Christ is to reign on the throne of David from an earthly Jerusalem for a millennium (1000 years); while the church has become a second and heavenly kingdom.  In this short space let me just bring to your attention some of the many errors and heresies of this theology which has been significantly used to deceive those who would profess the Christian faith, and has been accepted wholesale by literally tens of millions of evangelicals.                                                                         Dispensationalists believe that God made an eternal (forever) covenant with Abram (become Abraham) and his seed to inherit and possess the Promised Land and that His promise to them has not been fulfilled. All of God’s promises to his people at any point in time are conditional, that is, elements of obedience and faithfulness are prerequisites to obtaining the blessings and promises of the covenant.  God’s promise to Abraham’s seed were to-- in thee shall all of the families of the earth be blessed.(Genesis 12-3).  Those promises are fulfilled not to an earthly seed but to a spiritual seed in Christ. (See Romans 9:6-8, Galatians 3:16-18) Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, and to seeds as many; but as to one, and to thy seed which is Christ.  So the promises are to the spiritual seed i.e. those found to be faithful in Christ or the Israel of God. (See Galatians 6:16)  The promise of the inheritance of the land was fulfilled to national Israel under the old covenant (See Joshua 21:41-43 and I Kings 4:20-21) and therefore do not require a future fulfillment. Israel repeatedly broke their covenant with God and was therefore displaced from their inheritance and so have no claim ethnically or collectively to any covenant promises.
            Dispensationalists also believe that the seventy weeks prophesied by Daniel (See Dan. 9:24-27) have not been completely fulfilled leaving one week (seven years) to be fulfilled at the end of the age. This leaves them wide open to the deceptions of the Antichrist who will in fact ultimately reign from Jerusalem (See Daniel 11:36-45).  This false interpretation lays the groundwork for a second false doctrine and that being a pretribulational “rapture:” of the entire church.  Daniel’s “seventy weeks” were entirely realized in the advent, death and resurrection of Christ and the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the Jews nearly 2000 years ago.  The two Scriptures they use to attempt to establish a “rapture” prior to the tribulation are both speaking of the resurrection and not a “rapture” which occurs after the tribulation. (Comp. IThes.4:14-17, I Cor. 15: 51-52,)  The resurrection after the tribulation is verified at Matthew 24:29-31.
            This is the briefest of resumes on the errors and heresies of the three times revised Snowfield Reference Bible promoted by Zionist interests to establish and promote a New World Order centered in a “Greater Israel”. Beware!!    It is a deception. My two titles: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception will enable you to understand accurately end time prophecy and the Zionist deception being propagated to deceive the whole world. Obtain the books at contact me at    
  David Lance Dean    Website:

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