Friday, August 29, 2014

Middle East in Transition

            The Middle East and surrounding region continue to be the center stage of world geopolitical developments, conflict and political and military upheaval. In recent history we have observed the major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan followed by the “Arab Spring” leading up to the civil war in Syria and now the civil strife in Iraq.  Beginning in 1990 the United States engaged the sovereign nation of Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein allegedly because he had invaded Kuwait to seize control of its oil wealth. Desert Shield and Desert Storm did not bring about a complete resolution of the intended subjection of the Hussein regime to the United Nations and the IMF. Hussein continued to resist their control over him and his wealthy Iraqi kingdom.  This reality necessitated a second invasion but before it could be executed there needed to be a rationale to convince the America people that it was reasonable and necessary.  Enter the 911 false flag event of the attack on the twin towers at the World Trade Center in New York. The 911 deception was carefully planned to deceive the American public into believing that an invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq were necessary to engage in a ‘war on terrorism’.  More detail on the 911 calamity can be found in my recent title The Israel Deception. A twelve year war and an eight year war ensued respectively in these two Middle East nations as a direct result of the 911 ‘terrorist attack’.  The Iraq war was carried out under the false and deceptive banner of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’.   It was not really about freedom at all but rather control.  The overthrow of a very wealthy sovereign nation was to bring its monetary system and vast wealth under the control of the globalists and thereby effectively destroy the nation’s sovereignty.  Afghanistan, while not rich in oil, does have another valuable commodity export.  That is cocaine, and of course we must control the terrorist activity emanating from there. Osama BinLadin and his cronies were targeted as the perpetrators of the 911 Trade Center bombings although he had nothing to do with what happened. Was the world’s greatest terrorist to be found hiding in a cave in Afghanistan?  This was another lie sold to the America people by the controlled media.
            These two major wars costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives and multiplied more thousands of American wounded is the price that America must pay as the proxy military force for the Zionist globalist who control our government, and so America has also been conquered by the Zionists through their ownership of the Federal Reserve and our bankrupt fiat monetary system.
The plan for dominance in the Middle East continues with the next phase which was entitled the ‘Arab Spring’.
            The Arab Spring began in December of 2010 in Tunisia and by December of 2013 had affected a dozen countries in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The uprisings included protests, insurgencies and the actual overthrow some of the regimes in the area including Mubarak in Egypt and Gadhafi  in Libya. Naming the affected countries provides a sense of the broad scope of the movement.  Nations affected were Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Jordan, Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrein, Oman and Syria.  The movement generally was motivated by the people in revolt and demanding regime change as well as implementation of western style liberal democracies. The underlying motivations and stimulus for this astounding three year phenomenon is probably not completely consistent but some common issues are experienced by more than one of the affected countries. For example the Iraqi invasion and the overthrow of the Gadhafi regime are both clearly related to independent and uncontrolled monetary systems that were debt free shared by these two counties.  The Zionist New World Order globalists effectively work from debt and monetary control over nations.  Destabilization of the Moslem and Arab nations is the goal of the globalists because their agenda is all about advancing the interests and hegemony of Israel in the region. Now we find that Iraq is currently experiencing massive destabilization by the action of ISIS terrorizing and capturing the northern portion of the country and even now threatening the capitol of Baghdad. The Sunni terrorist organization ISIS had already declared a caliphate state covering portions of Syria and northern Iraq.  Will the nation of Iraq survive as a sovereign country or be broken into three fragmented regions consisting of Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites?  Only time will give us the answer to this question, but one thing is certain. The agenda of the globalists is ongoing and advancing in an extremely volatile Middle East inhabited by sects of Moslems who literally hate each other, Sunni and Shiite.
            Their goal is a ‘Greater Israel’ which will ultimately occupy and control a much larger area than that held by the current nation of Israel.  In fact the plan is to expand Israel to cover Lebanon, Jordan, much of southern Iraq, most of Syria and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  The boundaries are determined by the rivers Euphrates and Nile and are described in the Bible.  For a further understanding of the monetary and political plans for Israel and America reading my two titles are recommended: These Prophets and the Revelation and The Israel Deception at and other major book sellers.
David Lance Dean     email:

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