Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Eschatology of Armageddon

            Studies in biblical prophecy are complicated and difficult and are fraught with much confusion amongst the various schools of theology.  It has been the sole motive of this writer to present an accurate and comprehensive exposition of all issues related to a clear understanding of what the prophets of God have revealed on the subject of eschatology. First, the defining of terms is necessary.  The word eschatology describes the study of prophecy focused on events and developments in the world which will occur at the end of the age. Then there is the term Armageddon which is drawn from the biblical book of Revelation. It refers to a massive and intense battle which will occur in the end time scenario. This effort will be to clarify some very basic but critical issues surrounding the perceptions and subject matter of Armageddon.
            Those who are adherents of dispensational theology introduced and popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible would place the final conflict of Armageddon as the concluding showdown between the Lord as he returns to defend Israel from the attack of the northern armies of Russia and her allies and the eastern armies of China. They place the entirety of the judgments within a seven year period applying the term the Day of the Lord which is seen by them as the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophesied seventy weeks culminating in the Armageddon defense of the restored nation of Israel. Then the Gentiles who have persecuted His brethren, the Jewish “chosen” people as is supposed, will be subjected to judgment. It is explained as an earthly battle and judgment preceding the establishment of the reign of Christ on the throne of David in Jerusalem to continue for a period of 1000 years.  According to them, the period begins with the translation (“rapture”) of the church into heaven and proceeds with the national conversion of the Jews as they recover and inhabit the historical land of Israel. They would divide the Day of the Lord into two halves the first of which involves Israel’s covenant with the Antichrist and the resumption of animal sacrifices in the rebuilt temple.  The second half they would identify as the great tribulation wherein the Jews are subjected to persecution while experiencing apparent conversion in anticipation of their deliverance by the coming of their messiah and his intercession at the Armageddon battle for deliverance. Then Israel is to rule over the nations with Christ on the throne of David for 1000 years.  The wicked dead are not to be resurrected until the end of the millennium when Satan is released from the abyss to stage a rebellion and is judged along with the wicked dead.  The earth is then to be burned up and the “Day of God” is to be introduced. This is the confusion of Zionist dispensational theology in summary.                     Let us now review the true eschatology of Armageddon and the end of this age leading into the millennium. The Day of the Lord does not even occur within the context of time, but comes after a three and one-half year period (not seven) which is  the great tribulation followed by the resurrection of all of the saints. (Daniel 12:11-13, Rev.11:3, Rev.12:6, Rev. 13:5)   Daniel’s prophecy of “seventy weeks determined” on Israel were fulfilled completely at the time of the first advent of Christ and therefore has no application at the end of the age.  All of God’s promises under the tenets of the old covenant to the physical nation of Israel were completely fulfilled at the first advent of Christ who came as their Messiah. The one who will appear to them as their savior deceiving them and the whole world prior to the great tribulation is the Antichrist. After the resurrection of the saints immediately following the great tribulation (see Matthew 24:29-31) the Day of the Lord will commence. This is the execution God’s judgment on the earth and its inhabitants.  He will come with His saints to execute these judgments (See Psalms 149, Revelation 9:1-11, Rev.19:11-16).  The actual conflict designated as Armageddon occurs as the closing event at the end of the Day of the Lord and not as part of the tribulation.(See Rev. 9:12-21, Rev16:14-16)  The tribulation period is not about the salvation of ethnic Jews or natural Israel but a time when the testimony of the two witnesses (Rev. 11:1-12)  being subjected to persecution and martyrdom  will carry the message of the true gospel of salvation to all nations and the whole world.(see Matthew 24:9-14) This present earth will be destroyed in the Day of His wrath and a new heavens and earth will come into existence (See Rev. 21:1-3)  Be not deceived by the false doctrines of Christian Zionism, dispensationalism and the footnotes in the Scofield Reference Bible.  To gather a complete comprehension of end time biblical prophecy detailing what is only briefly summarized here interfaced with current world developments obtain a copy of my title: These Prophet and the Revelation.  This material in this book is supplemented by a complete exposition of the world Zionist phenomenon both from a scriptural as well as a secular point of view in The Israel Deception.  Both are must reads to understand what is transpiring in today’s world and can be obtained at

David Lance Dean            

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